DansernaThe dances

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På denna sida har jag samlat länkar till videoklipp om jive. Nedan till vänster följer några instruktionsfilmer om en del av grundturerna och några mer avancerade, och i högra kolumnen några uppvisningsfilmer med tävlingspar på hög nivå


On this page I have collected some links to video clips about jive. Below to the left you can find some instructional clips about some of the basic figures and also a few more advanced, and to the right some performance videos with competitions dancers on a high level.


Instruktionsvideo / Instruction videos

Uppvisningsvideo / Performance videos (from competitions and shows)

Beginners Jive - Explanation of single rhytm Jive
(good explanation of slow and quick)

Jive Beginner Routine

Beginners Jive - The lady's underarm turn

2008 Blackpool semi-finals jive Professional Championship

Beginners Jive - Change of hands behind back

Modern Jive - a blend of Jive, Salsa and other dances

Bronze Jive 1 - Man's underarm turn

Bronze Jive 1 - The American spin

Bronze Jive 2 - Point swivels

Bronze Jive 2 - Toe heel swivels

Silver Jive - Stalking walks, Flicks into break

Silver Jive - Forward and backward walks into point swivels

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